Friday, February 24, 2012

Newt backer: 5 reasons to support Santorum

My grandmother would have probably called this a left-handed compliment. 5 Reasons to Support Rick Santorum - John Hawkins:

Even though I do like and respect Rick Santorum, I've already endorsed Newt Gingrich and don’t plan on changing over to Team Santorum. Still, Santorum is tops in the national polls, has a chance to pull off some big pre-Super Tuesday wins, and he could end up as the nominee. If that does happen, it wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world. In fact, I have no qualms about saying that if it comes down to it, Rick Santorum would be a much preferable nominee to Mitt Romney.

Here is the overview:
1) Santorum is the most prominent socially conservative politician in America. . . .
2) Santorum isn't JUST a social conservative. . . .
3) Santorum didn't blow the big issues of the last few years. . . .
4) Santorum isn't going to get to D.C. and lose his nerve. . . .
5) Santorum is more electable than Mitt.
(follow this link to read his rationale)

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