Thursday, February 23, 2012

Vote for Willard Mitt or you're fired

The Frontrunner's campaign in Michigan truly must be getting desperate. After refusing (as did pretty much the entire GOP presidential field) to participate in a debate moderated by Donald Trump with the understanding that such a forum would be nothing more than a publicity stunt for the Donald and thus a political joke, the Frontrunner was keen to revel in the Donald's endorsement and it wasn't a joke as long as he got the endorsement. Now the Frontrunner is dragging the Donald out for a robocall in Michigan.

I don't know how you, dear reader, would feel if you picked up the telephone to hear Donald Trump tell you about how he's "tired of Rick Santorum," but it would tell me that the Frontrunner can't get any endorsements that actually matter to a Republican. Donald Trump is a man, love him or hate him, who is primarily concerned with his own ratings and popularity, and he couldn't care less whether a Republican is elected in November or whether we are sentenced to four more years of  Barack Hussein Obama, so long as he keeps raking in the cash. One can't blame him for this, but we can say that the welfare of the country isn't as big a concern to him as the portfolio and cash flow of Donald Trump.

The voters of Michigan likely see that as well.

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