The Santorum robo call attempts to rally Democrats with a reference to Romney’s now well-known opposition to the bailout for U.S. automakers.I didn't hear all of Gill's argument, but this call attacks Romney for his seeming hypocrisy in supporting bail outs in some circumstances (when Wall Streeters come calling) and not for others (when the more blue collar Auto industry comes calling). That seems fair to me.
“Romney supported the bailout for his billionaire buddies but opposed the auto bailout. That was a slap in the face to every Michigan worker,” the robo call adds. It ends with the line: “Paid for by Rick Santorum.”
Michigan’s primary is open to all voters. For weeks, liberal bloggers have called on Democrats to cross over Tuesday to support Santorum as a way to damage Romney’s chances of capturing the GOP nomination.
Rick Santorum opposed BOTH bailouts (here), and that consistency, and courage is a positive character quality. UPDATE: I realized after making this post, that Newt Gingrich publicly acknowledged Steve Gill (along with Fred Thompson) at his rally in Nashville on Monday. I'm assuming that being mentioned in the same breath as Thompson means that Gill is supporting Gingrich. So, for anyone who heard all of the Steve Gill segment related to the Michigan robocalls, did Gill acknowledge that he is a supporter of Gingrich?
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