Friday, February 24, 2012

Ron selling out so that Rand can reap the profits?

If you watched the debate the other night you noticed that the Frontrunner wasn't the only candidate throwing unsubstantiated half-truths and epithets such as "fake" at Rick Santorum. Texas Congressman Ron Paul, the so-called libertarian in the race, was leading the attack in a supporting role, attempting, it would seem, to assist the Frontrunner in his campaign against Rick. This was a strange spectacle to observe from a man who hasn't even pretended to like the Frontrunner-until now.

It seems like a strange alliance-the libertarian and the pseudo-Democrat-two people who, within the Republican coalition, could not be further apart ideologically. Why on earth would Ron Paul want to help the Frontrunner, unless he thought he could get something out of it?

...Or at least that a member of his family might.

Matt Lewis of The Daily Caller says Paul hasn't really gone after the Frontrunner, while he routinely attacks more conservative candidates such as Newt Gingrich, Herman Cain, and now, Rick Santorum. Ron Paul's attacks aren't helping him in the polls in the least, but the one person they do seem to help when he lobs them is the Frontrunner.

What has the Frontrunner promised Ron Paul for his backhanded help, assistance which literally contradicts everything Ron Paul purports to believe? Lewis says the promise may have been to Senator Rand Paul (R-Kentucky), and that Romney or his campaign may quietly be dangling the Vice Presidency in front of Rand Paul in return for his father's delegates, should the Frontrunner need them to win the nomination.

Conservative radio host Mark Levin says that Ron Paul is acting as the Frontrunner's wingman so that Rand can get the number two spot.

Mark Levin says Ron Paul is acting as Willard Mitt's wingman in order to get something out of it for Rand

If our friends the Paulies had the kind of principles that so many of them claim to have, they would be outraged at the very thought that their man would sell out to get something for a family member...that would mean that Ron Paul is playing politics and being pragmatic, something the Paulies claim to detest most horribly.

That would make Ron Paul...oh, perish the thought...a FAKE!

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