Although Santorum officially lost this past Tuesday in Michigan, in many ways it was actually a win. It is now being reported by the Associated Press that Rick and Mittens both won 15 delegates in the state of Michigan. Santorum was only three percentage points behind Romney in the popular election, and received the same number of delegates.
So how is this a win?
As Rick pointed out at a recent rally I attended in Powell, Tennessee:
This is a big win for us. We went into his backyard. He spent a fortune, money he had no intention of spending, and we came out there with the same number of delegates he does. We are in great shape going into this election. We are excited about what's going to happen on Super Tuesday.
Romney barely squeaked by with a popular victory in his birth state. Rick nearly beat him on a shoestring budget. Remember, no one ever expected Rick to get this far. A few months ago he was running far behind candidates that have now dropped out of the race. Rick Santorum is the ultimate underdog.
This Tuesday, March 6th, is Super Tuesday. Ultimately, it is delagates that count. This Tuesday over 400 delegates between ten states (including our own great state of Tennessee) are up for grabs. Alaska, Georgia, Idaho, Massachusetts, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, and Vermont are also voting for the GOP nominee.
Rick Santorum will do very well in Tennessee if the polls are accurate. However, often the polls are not accurate, and we should not presume he will win. If you're like me you voted early. If you haven't, get off your butt on Tuesday and go cast your vote! Encourage your friends and family to go vote too.
If they are undecided, remind them that under Obama the real unemployment rate is around 15%. Remind them that under Obama gas prices are higher than ever. Remind them that our defense budget is the first thing the President always cuts. Remind them how he and his Democrat majority in Congress shoved Obamacare down our throats, and that he wants to pass more mammoth government programs. Remind them that he's doing everything he can to make sure the United States is not energy independent.
Then remind them that Rick Santorum is the polar opposite of Barack Obama. Rick is a strong social conservative and a devoted family man. At one point a few months ago, he even took a break from campaigning to be with his sick daughter. He has fought, and continues to fight, for freedom of religion and the rights of the unborn. He also has a great economic plan to strengthen our nation financially. Among other things, Rick plans to repeal Obamacare and replace it with market based healthcare innovation that works. He wants to pass a balanced budget amendment to the Constitutiom that would cap government spending at 18% of GDP. Rick wants to reform the tax code and the EPA, and eliminate agriculture and energy subsidies. I encourage you to read his plan for yourself.
Here's another thought. If underdog Rick Santorum can almost beat wealthy Mitt Romney in his own birth state on a shoestring budget, just imagine how much better he might do with a little more financial support. If you can spare, donate to his campaign today.