Needless to say, the next day, my husband Jared and I tuned in to CNN for the least theirs was more results reporting, rather than a night long celebration (or diminishing a win in Santorum's 3 cases that night....heck, they [Fox] talked more about Gingrich taking GA in a positive light than Santorum rightfully winning a third of the states and several delegates more in the others where he got second).
Ok, so I say all this to say that Fox News has now gone so far down hill and sold out just like all the other media outlets...unlike anything I've seen. Its not fair and balanced reporting....its "Romney reporting." They are so hell-bent on helping him get the nomination -- it's beyond believable. At least with the other liberal news outlets, you know what you're getting...with Fox, they are force-feeding the American public with a "Romney is the only real candidate with a chance". I've seen the Huckabee interview Jobs 3 Forum thing with the Vet dad about a million times where Romney answered a question....."Wowee! What a concept!" What about when Santorum talked with the college student about pursuing what paths were right for him, or the little lady on Medicare, or the unemployed disabled gentleman? (Where are those repeated sound bytes and news clips, Fox?) My own husband, Jared, is a vet so I'm not discrediting that topic...I'm simply furious with a network who takes one section of an interview and replays it 10000 times in a week to their candidate's hopeful advantage!
I follow each state's results very closely each day/week. I just am hopeful that such networks as Fox aren't on the Romney payroll! It makes one wonder. So many in America (and around the world for that matter) depend on the news and many conservatives turn to networks like Fox. A lot of them may work more than one job to make ends meet and if they go to the polls to vote on their lunch breaks, they depend on friends, family or reliable news sources to give them the best candidate. Not that the average American isn't perfectly capable of going and seeking out what these candidates stand for, its that most won't take the time. Most go with the hype or who or what they are told is most electable. My husband and I have been to 2 Santorum rallies now....he speaks with conviction and heart like I've never heard Romney speak even for a second (even on the Jobs 3 Forum). I proudly cast my vote for him in TN and was glad to see my state went to Santorum. Yes, even as a middle class, college-educated woman, who according to Fox, supposedly despises Rick Santorum in every one of "their latest Fox exit polls".
Here's a test for you (even tomorrow): watch next time, as a state that Rick is doing well in, approaches the final hours prior to poll closings on Fox - - they give no "exit poll" numbers and hardly "call" until the last minute. They certainly wouldn't want to "sway the vote" in the last five minutes of the polls, now would they?
One other final note: What happens when (and yes I said when) Santorum does get the nomination? Who will Fox back then? Obama??? Just a thought... :)
Friends, Mississippians, Alabamians, Hawaiians: Tomorrow is another important Tuesday (call it mini-Tuesday if you like) as far as the South is concerned. Two important states - - Mississippi and Alabama (total of 90 delegates up for grabs), along with Hawaii. As my father wisely stated earlier, call up, e-mail, "tweet", "Facebook" anyone you might know in these states for voting tomorrow. Let's go against the "establishment" -- Vote Rick Santorum for President 2012!
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