Sandra Fluke has been practically canonized as a saint by the left. She became a "martyr" for the cause when Darrel Issa barred her from testifying before congress. When she was allowed to testify later on, the left championed her as an activist for women's reproductive rights. The question is: What is Sandra Fluke really standing for--rights or entitlement programs?
Sandra Fluke is not fighting for womens' reproductive rights. She's fighting to have the rest of us pay for her sex life! Ms. Fluke can have as much sex as she wants--that is none of my business. But now she wants the government to force insurance companies to provide free contraceptives to all women. My wallet is my business.
That means Hospitals, universities, and other employers affiliated with the Roman Catholic Church will be ordered by the government to go against their ancient moral convictions. It also means that insurance premiums will go up to cover the cost of Ms. Fluke's sex life. The fact of the matter is, Ms. Fluke is not fighting for anyone's rights. No one has ever advocated the outright ban of birth control (despite what the leftist propagandists have said). She's fighting for the state to tell the church what to do, which violates the First Amendment. She's fighting for free contraceptives--free to her, that is. Nothing is actually free, and the rest of us will have to foot the bill. Both of these "causes" that she fights for under the false banner of reproductive rights are despicable.
The government needs to get their nose out of the insurance business and out of the healthcare business. Whether these businesses want to provide contraception or not is, well, their business. Ms. Fluke testified before congress that without insurance coverage, contraception could cost a woman over $3,000.00. She gave no convincing reason why the American people, or anyone other than her, ought to pay for it.
I asked my wife, who is a woman, and who works for an insurance broker whether she thought birth control was a "right." She said no. Ms. Fluke would like to characterize the lack of insurance coverage for birth control as a "medical crisis." And yet, somehow, women have survived for approximately 100,000 years without it.
Take away all the emotional pleas, and the sad tales of woe (in other words, manipulation and propaganda) from Ms. Fluke's testimony and look at the facts. Birth control, like any other aid to recreational activity is not a right. I love fishing. Do you suppose I ought to become an activist for fishermen's rights and persuade the government to force bait shops to give away fish hooks free of charge? I had a friend who was forced to go noodling because he couldn't afford a fish hook, and a catfish bit his finger off! It's a medical crisis!
That never happened of course, but I hope you see my point. We're not talking about rights here; we're talking about entitlements.
Rick Santorum is a crusader against entitlements. He has fought against government dependency because he believes the American people are able to take care of themselves better than the government. He was an author of the Welfare Reform Act, passed in 1996. He has pledged to repeal Obamacare and has been an outspoken critic of President Obama's HHS birth control mandate.
If you are sick of paying for everyone else's entitlements, and sick of gratuitous government mandates, pick Rick on Super Tuesday!

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