Thursday, March 1, 2012

Perhaps worshipping JFK is "religion"

Great op/ed from Albert Mohler re. Santorum's criticism of JFK "religion" speech My Take: Santorum’s right, JFK wrong on separation of church and state - Blogs:
Even Rick Santorum’s most ardent detractors have to concede this much – the former senator speaks his mind. Recently, Santorum has been speaking his mind on questions of church and state, and the political left has responded with disbelief and horror.

Over the weekend, Santorum told ABC's "This Week" that reading the text of John F. Kennedy’s 1960 speech to the Greater Houston Ministerial Association made him physically sick: “I almost threw up.”

As it turns out, Santorum had made similar statements about Kennedy’s speech before. But, as Santorum quickly learned, he had dared to criticize a speech, and an argument, that the left has long considered the equivalent of settled law.
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Kennedy argued the church he believed in should not be a matter of public concern “for that should be important only to me.” Later in the speech, he said: “I believe in a president whose views on religion are his own private affair, neither imposed upon him by the nation, nor imposed by the nation upon him as a condition to holding that office.”

Those two crucial assertions – Kennedy's insistence that his church “should be important only to me” and his description of a president’s religion as “his own private affair” – create the problem.
I encourage you to read the entire op/ed.

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