Sunday, March 18, 2012

You Can't Keep a Good Man Down

The media is trying their darndest to destroy Rick Santorum.

I say trying because their attacks are, quite honestly, surprisingly weak. The media is finding it hard to smear Rick because there simply isn't that much you can criticize him on.

The Las Vegas Sun reports that Republican Catholics cool so far to Rick Santorum. Eek! Rick is a Roman Catholic, so he must be taking this pretty hard, right? Then the Sun shoots its own argument in the foot. "Catholics haven't voted as a bloc in decades, leading analysts to declare 'the Catholic vote' as such doesn't exist." If that's the case, why should we care whether Catholics like Santorum or not? Furthermore, why should Catholics read the Las Vegas Sun--according to this newspaper, their vote doesn't matter. I thought Rick Santorum was supposed to be the bigoted one?

What about all this hubbub on twitter about a gay couple being escorted out of a Rick Santorum rally as the crowd chants "U-S-A!"? Surely that proves Rick Santorum is Hitler reborn, right? To read the comments on twitter, you would think the guards led the gay couple straight to a gas chamber by order of Fuhrer Santorum. As it turns out, the two protesters (who may or may not actually be gay) interrupted Rick by yelling "mic-check!" and then once they got the attention they wanted, then they kissed. Then guards escorted them out (although, it appears as though the protesters leave peacefully and of their own accord, rather than being man-handled by fascists). If a straight couple had behaved that way THE GUARDS WOULD HAVE ESCORTED THEM OUT TOO! This is one of the poorest excuses for a non-story I've ever heard. Step aside, Gandhi--the real protesters are this ambiguously gay duo. The behaviour of the crowd was a little out of line, but how does this reflect poorly on Rick Santorum? It doesn't.

But wait, there's more!

The Daily News reports Oops! Rick Santorum calls Puerto Rico 'a Spanish-speaking country.' *Gasp!* What an ignorant thing to say. How could anyone confuse Puerto Rico with a Spanish-speaking country? Everyone knows it is a Spanish-speaking United States commonwealth. How can anyone confuse a country with a commonwealth? They're so different! Right? Stupid Rick Santorum. I bet he thinks we have 57 states too... or not.

However, as it turns out, the media doesn't have to try too hard to smear Rick Santorum. All of Barack Obama's supporters are so blindly in favor of him that anyone running against him must be the antichrist. Ever tried to reason with an Obama supporter, and support your argument with documented facts? The facts won't faze most Obamabots I've encountered. Better save your breath and vote for Rick Santorum.

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